Monday, August 26, 2024

Prepping for England

The countdown to our trip to England has less than 2 weeks left.  Packing preliminaries look like we'll get everything in our carry-on bags.  Airline reservations have been confirmed.  House-sitter arrangements have been made. 

In a related English matter, looking through Dad's old WW2 ephemera, I came across the photos of the Stucky family and the post-war thank you letter that they sent him.  Since I'll be in London soon, I took a gamble and fired off a letter to the address on the letter, 176 Mill Road, Kettering.  Today to my surprise, I received an airmail post from a Mr. Mike Groom, the current resident of that address.  Saw my first Royal Mail stamp with King Charles visage on it.  

While I'm on the subject, I plan on visiting the shop where Henry bought his ivory chess set.  I'll bring a copy of the receipt and a photo of the set on Lou's walnut and maple board.  

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