Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Fall in the Garden

It's been in the 80's all month, and in fact, it was 92° as recently as September 30.  However, the inevitableness of the changing seasons is finally catching up with us.  While today is forecast to be 81°, tonight will see the first 40-something low since last spring.  Tomorrow may struggle to reach 70°.

Last Wednesday I cut back the summer's heavy growth in the turtleariums and cleared out the bunkers.  The very next day the boys were down in their safe winter spaces.  They haven't dug deeper in yet and later I'll be mulching the entrance tunnels for a little extra winter protection, but it's obvious that they are getting ready for their long annual snooze.  

Also a sign of the season, we put out the heated kitty mat for Fluffy, the feral cat in the backyard.  It's under a garden table that we cover with a plastic tarp for protection from rain and snow.  The first night that we turned it on (at the lowest setting), Fluffy spent the wee hours of the night on the heating pad.  

I'll put the camera trap out a couple more times to make sure the habitat isn't attracting anyone else (other cats, raccoons, skunks).  For now, here's glimpse of Fluffy waiting for breakfast. 

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