Friday, October 11, 2024

Home Again, Home Again... Jiggity-Jig

Got home after 22 hours of travel.  Did quite well until Seattle.  Then miles of walking followed by 2½ hours in a hard, non-reclining commuter aircraft seat finished me off.  Sciatica.  

Now, 2½ weeks later, I'm fairly functional for short bits and I get by with just a lumbar brace.  My quadriceps tighten up at anything more than a short walk.  

I've got a preliminary cut done on photos and a crude video created for streaming to the television.  Or the telly, as they say in Britain. 

Last night the Kp values were off the charts, so Ric and Terry joined me for a drive out to the Highway 6 exit.  Indeed, faint waves of red were visible, more so to the camera eyes.  

Looking NW through broken clouds

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