Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Trying to Stay Ahead of the Game

I've made daily posts for this poor little, justly unappreciated blog for the half the year.  Meanwhile, I've fallen behind on my updates for the D&D group.  I've got three week's worth of notes to type up into the story.  Also, I've started in on the July 2021 Plastic-Free EcoChallenge.  Fortunately, you get credit for (a) just checking the box and (b) writing 25 characters to answer a reflection question. 

Still need to find my metal straw... not in the Schlepp Bag, not in the leather bag of plant labeling stuff... ah!  Found it in the back of my desk drawer.  Now I'm all set.  

Next, I checked the life-cycle costs of metal vs plastic straws.  It's 150:1, so I have to use my metal straw 150 times to break even on environmental costs (carbon plus manufacturing materials plus energy).  Considering that I've been using my metal straws for 2½ years, I've likely hit the break-even point already.  None-the-less, my metal tubes are nowhere near end-of-life, so I should have many hundreds of uses in the future. 


This morning brought forth two of the brilliant red dinner plate Hibiscus moscheutos.  Here's one--in the shade their color is captured with better saturation.  

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