Thursday, May 13, 2021


With the new raised bed largely completed and stable, it's time to remove the temporary soaker hose and add drip line.  

While Baldo and Caro work on potted material and general yard cleanup, I'll be adding emitters to the various stand-alone pots as well.  This includes the new 'Thunderhead' Japanese black pine. 

I've already cut back most of the strong candles so as to keep the tree about this size.  We'll gently repot it in a slightly larger but decorative pot and add a dripper.  I've been told they tolerate dryness, but prefer a cool root zone.  To that end, I'm keeping it in the shade of the side fence so that the top gets a few hours of sunlight each day, but the pot stays largely in the shade.  Moving it out of the black nursery pot should help as well.  

For now, I'm not root pruning any until fall.  That will give it an entire season to adapt to the change from, if the label is to be trusted, a nursery in Maryland.  


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