Monday, June 14, 2021

The Grey Lady Takes on Zoo Cruelty

 The New York Times published an opinion piece today (June 11 as I type this) -- -- that came down pretty hard on zoos in general and the AZA.  Coincidently, at the ABQ BioPark's Zoo, they are undergoing their 5-yr recertification audit this week.  That will also include the Aquarium, Bugarium, and the Heritage Farm.  Some Botanic Garden infrastructure will be looked at just as a matter of course.  

In defense of the BioPark, they are exceptional in that their success with breeding and release of many difficult species speaks of the positive environment that the Zoo creates for the creatures in their care.  Their enrichment programs and use of captive-bred animals instead of wild-caught is a testament to the quality of the facility.  

The three IUCN staff members (employed by the BioPark Society) is another sign that we take exceptional interest in conservation research, sustainability, education, collaborative partnerships, and messaging. 

"Discover Nature.  Inspire Action." is the mission statement and as docents we make every effort to promulgate that message. 

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