Thursday, January 14, 2021

Chilopsis linearis

Baldo, our yard guy, came today and this time of year there is little to do.  However, there's pruning this week. 

In a storm last summer one branch of our desert willow splintered and broke.  At the time I cut away the badly damaged half that was barely attached.  The remaining half branch I left because it was still blooming and maintained the symmetry of the tree.  

I fully expected a winter storm to load the branch with snow and then break the branch completely, but somehow the fragment of trunk has held on until now.  So yesterday afternoon I finished the job by sawing off the damaged portion.  

There's a small sucker coming out of the ground near the cut and I was careful not to damage it.  With any luck it will rapidly gain girth and height, becoming the replacement for the lost branch.  At any rate, Baldo will have some work to cut the deadwood into manageable pieces and cart them off. 

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